Monday, September 17, 2012


My friend, our husbands and I were out eating last Saturday when a topic came up that has been having me laughing on the inside ever since. Quite a few people are under the mistaken notion that I am a Foodie or I like to cook since I make most things from scratch, can fruits and vegetables and try new recipes frequently. Jeremiah put it best when a dear friend asked if his mom made the salsa they were currently consuming. "My mom doesn't buy anything she just makes it from ingredients." (I busted up laughing which he couldn't understand because it was a true statement.
I rarely buy salsa because of the cost. I also am very picky so if I make it, then it tastes the way I like it. I want my kids to learn to eat healthy i.e. whole grains, no extra processing or preservatives, lots of vegetables and fruits etc. Also, my husband's health issues just gives us one more reason to try and stay active and eat healthier.
Even with all that, I cook because I have a large family and I refuse to spend all our income on food. I do not get a little thrill at the thought of a new recipe to try. I do love feeding my children nutritiously and like the fact they eat almost everything I cook without any or very minimal fussing. I like to find recipes my kids love and are easy to make. I endure the process of canning because I know that I am providing the best nutrition possible at a price I cannot find elsewhere. What is with all those recipes that call for GADS of sugar?? With that if someone ever wants to come and take over this role in my house I am all for it!!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

It is ALWAYS the Good One!

My house smells like me. Well, like me on a special occasion, my ENTIRE house. As my husband told the story it went something like ~As he was minding his own business in the bathroom my perfume bottle jumped out of the medicine cabinet assailing him; as he valiantly tried to save it. Strategically out maneuvering him, the perfume bottle collided into the counter. The perfume bottle still on the attack, then sprayed shards of glass all over him. (Now I might be embellishing ever so slightly but that's my right as the writer. ;P)
Even though this happened yesterday, my house reeks of perfume. One of my favorite scents is now making my eyes water and my nose twitch. Unfortunately as I told my husband yesterday, "You broke the good stuff." Not only was it the expensive stuff (you know the kind you buy pre-children), but it lasted until I took a shower which means, regrettably we will not be relieved from what was once a favorite smell for quite some time.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Yeah! I can see!

I wear contacts. I have worn contacts for over 15 years. For some reason, I cannot seem to get into the daily routine of taking them out every night and cleaning them then putting them back on, in the morning. I blame my brother. He would leave his contacts in for days, even weeks at a time. He even had two contacts in at the same time because he "lost" one and found it a few days later in his eye! Sad to say he is not the only one who has done this.
Thankfully my eye doctor is pretty understanding and has steered me to a brand I can leave in for a week at a time. While not the best at cleaning them even this often, at least this is far more feasible. He did this quite a few years ago when they first came out. Now here is the other confession. I only see him when I run out of contacts and need a new prescription so I can buy more. This is about every two to three years.  Again, very grateful I have found such a nice ophthalmologist who does not lecture me for not coming in more frequently. This is one of the main the reasons I keep going back to him.
In April, I went to see him, received a trial pair of contacts and my prescription with intent of ordering them within the next week. I had good intentions, really good intentions but alas I still did not have good follow through. I did not order contacts until the beginning of June.
Why, you ask? Is it because they needed to be replaced or how about because they were irritating my eyes? While the answer to both of those should be yes I am sorry to say no. I ordered them because my son who shall remain anonymous with the help of his brother who also shall remain anonymous were up one night playing in the bathroom. My contacts were in a case on the bathroom sink because I had to take them out because my eyes were red from the irritating me all day. After catching them and telling them to go to bed, my husband and I go lay down in our bedroom. This is when our oldest child comes into our room holding something asking, "What is this?" He holds up my contact case. (I have worn contacts since I was a teenager and my son has no idea what a contact case is. Does this give you an idea how lax I am in my care for them?)
Immediately aggravated, I respond, "My contact case, why?"
"Because I just caught (insert anonymous child's name here) trying to sneak it into the bedroom."
Suffice to say contacts do not survive in the hands of little boys. Even if they are stored in a contact case. They tear into little tiny pieces and are no longer able to be worn. This is what finally made me order new contacts and wait impatiently in the mail for them. I wish I could say I learned my lesson but somehow I am sure I will have another story in a few years when I run out of contacts again.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Yes, No, Maybe so

Seth: That got my face!
Jeremiah: Oh sorry.
Seth: And my nose.
Jeremiah: Sorry Sethy, Jeremiah won't do it again.
Seth: No, No, I like it.
Jeremiah: Oh you want me to do it again?
Seth: Yeah
Jeremiah: OK.
Jeremiah blows up a balloon and lets it go on Seth.
Seth: No, no I not like that.

Oh the fickle opinions of toddlers.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

How to Catch a Skunk

We have been having problems with opossums, skunks etc so the boys made a trap to catch them and our youngest shows you how it will work!

3 Year Oldism

"Doggy lick me cuz I sweet candy."

Daddy convince Seth the dog licks him because he is sweet like candy.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

3 Year Oldism

I want to watch wetters! (letters)

Leapfrog has some good videos on Netflicks. I love when I can turn on the TV and know that he is still learning! (Something I actually want him to learn that is.)