Sunday, July 25, 2010

The Sickies :(

Thankfully the sickies do not hit our house often and even more thankfully I am not the one usually sick. I do have allergies but that does not count as being sick just makes me tired and worn out. This time though I was the one sick so much so that I made Brad turn around from driving to baseball and take me home. Trust me I tried to grin and bear it. Through this I have learned even more how much my children are growing up. Erik has been such a help through it all well, until he started feeling sick. I think there should be some kind rule that if parents get sick then the older kids are not allowed to be sick too. It just leaves no one to keep the house from falling apart. Jeremiah helped out quite a bit as well but remember he is 6. He has grown up so much in so many ways during the last year. It still catches me by surprise. Thankfully we are on the mend.

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