Friday, October 22, 2010

Freezer Meals= Gourmet?

Usually, I do not mind cooking except in the summer when I do just about anything to avoid adding more heat to my house. (This year, I tried to convince my children eating was unnecessary since it is too hot but for some reason they disagreed. :) Now that it is getting cold again I find myself in the kitchen more if only to keep from freezing but I am not a chef or even a good cook. I am not very creative aka I do not cook gourmet by any stretch of the imagination. I just try to get healthy, inexpensive, moderately tasty meals on the table in a timely fashion(aka before my children die of starvation at 5:00). Thankfully my husband and children are troopers who do not complain and are not picky. This lack of creativity is more because I do not feel like I have enough time at the "right" time. I have found out what works for our family is on the days I do not work I make "extra" meals. I usually buy in bulk and cook any where from 3 to 10 meals at a time and freeze them. For example, I will cook up 5lbs of hamburger meat and divide the meat to make spaghetti, some kind of homemade hamburger helper/casserole/ hot dish, sloppy joes, and tacos. I usually put a bunch of vegetables into the meals to make them healthier and to stretch the meat a little. If I do it correctly, each one of these different meals can then be split into 2 more meals. All this, so I do not walk into the kitchen at 5:00 having no idea what to make for dinner. For some reason the dinner hour seems to be extremely stressful since the boys are STARVING, tired, grumpy, etc. at this time and 1 or more of them always seems to NEED me NOW! I find if I have dinner, either defrosting in the fridge or microwave, I can then attend to the random but dire needs of whomever and still get a healthy, moderately tasty, meal on the table in relative ease. This weekend as I was making my freezer dinners I happened to be on the phone with my dad who suggested we share meals. Wait, am I understanding him right? All I had to do was let my dad take my home my extra boring soup to feed to his guys and in return in the next day or two he would give me what he made for his household. Of course we can share meals!! Now you should know something here, my dad should be a gourmet chef so whatever possessed him into thinking up something so grossly unfair to himself is beyond me but by no means am I going to let this enchanting deal pass me by. When I am at his house, I always end up eating more than I should, since there is always something too yummy to pass up! Today this translated into my dull chicken and dumpling soup turning into a yummy pork roast with garlic mashed potatoes! There is no doubt in my mind that I, by far, got the better end of this deal! Thanks Dad!! My only thought now is what is my next dreary meal going to turn into?

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